Hemp Spinning with Joan Ruane

The plant called cannabis sativa has been around longer than man, and there are over a thousand varieties. The variety most commonly referred to as “hemp” has less than 0.5% THC and produces a bast fiber that is easy to spin. Fabric made from hemp fiber has insulative qualities, is naturally anti-microbial, odor resistant and stops 95% of UV light. This video teaches you maintenance for your wheel and how to adjust it for spinning hemp fiber, starting off right, and then several different techniques for spinning the different preparations. How to determine if you have enough twist in your singles is discussed as well as plying and storing of your yarns. While teaching, Joan talks a little about the history of hemp and ends with a few suggestions for projects to make with your handspun hemp.

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No previous spinning experience is necessary for this video class. It covers all topics a beginner needs to know and will be a good review of many topics an experinced spinner is already familiar with, in addition to information specific to spinning hemp.

Joan Ruane is an experienced spinning teacher, specializing in spinning plant fibers; cotton, flax, bio engineered fibers and now hemp. She teaches at national and international spinning- and weaving conferences.

Full Video Duration: 1 hours and 7 minutes

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Customer reviews:

I'm sorry but as a handspinner who just wanted to know how to spin hemp, the video was very disappointing. I'd estimate 70% of it was 'beginner spinning', including parts of a wheels, types of wheels, how to adjust tension/ratios, how to draft, etc. There was maybe 10 minutes of useful advice for spinning hemp as opposed to wool. I kind of feel like I just wasted $15 :(  The description should be changed so that others know the video is directed mainly at non-spinners.
By  Lindsay Lulu  on  Jan 12 2022 01:50 AM