Complementary–Warp Pattern Book by Laverne Waddington

A book of patterns…one hundred of them!...for beautiful double-faced bands and other larger projects that can be woven using the complementary-warp pick-up technique that is taught in Laverne Waddington’s earlier books. This collection of motifs consists of pebbly-type patterns, the ones that she likes to call Andean Pebble Weave.

If you learned the ‘’two-heddle method’’ in Laverne Waddington’s first book Andean Pebble Weave or the ‘’picking cross method’’ in her second or third books, More Adventures with Warp-Faced Pick-up Patterns and Complementary-warp Pick-up, or the inkle loom methods in Andean Pebble Weave on Inkle Looms, you will be able to weave all the patterns in this new book of one hundred charts.

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Laverne is proud to say that many of the motifs in this book have been created by her students and weaving friends around the world who have either taken her classes or used her books. She is constantly astounded by what their imaginations have produced and grateful that they have all been more than willing to allow her to include their designs in this book for your own personal use.

She, too, has managed to climb out of her “Andean box’’ and has enjoyed creating some sweet patterns of her own….a collection of playful kitties, leaves and flowers, sheep and snowflakes, to name a few. The patterns are arranged in themes such as Rivers and Oceans, Garden, and Andean Animals.

A collection of patterns found on contemporary as well as pre-Columbian South American textiles have been included and, in a few examples of these, Laverne has given her own twist to some classic shapes used in Andean weaving.

The motifs are charted on the same block-style charts that are used in her other ebooks. For those of you who have used her second book, More Adventures with Warp-faced Pick-up Patterns, in which you learn to use the spotted-style charts, all the patterns on that style of chart have been included in the Appendix. Each charting system has its own group of fans and so both have been provided.

Tutorials show you how to plan the layout of your project. You will be able to adjust the charts to any width so that you can combine motifs of various sizes from different themed collections into one project.

If you would like to weave these patterns but you haven't learned the pick-up technique yet, I Laverne’s ebook Complementary-warp Pick-up, which has step-by-step instructions and forty-two pattern charts suitable for bands is recommended. This book can be used by those who use inkle looms as well as any of the other kinds of wider band looms. Andean Pebble Weave on Inkle Looms has been written for those who use a ''standard'' inkle loom, such as the Ashford or Schacht.


The patterns in this new book range in size from eight to eighty threads. Some of the wider patterns may not be suitable for inkle looms depending on the size of thread you like to use. Weavers who use inkle looms and who learned the pick-up technique in my book, Complementary-warp Pick-up, will know that the largest pattern in that book has only twenty threads in each of the open and heddled sheds.

About two-thirds of the patterns in this new pattern book have from eight to forty threads, a quarter have from forty-four to sixty threads and the rest have from sixty-four to eighty threads.

Much will depend on the thread size that you like to use and the size of your inkle loom. To give you an idea, a band woven with size 3 crochet cotton (24 wraps per inch/2.5cm) with thirty-six threads in each of the heddled and open sheds is probably the widest that can be comfortably woven on a tiny Ashford Inklette.

36 threads on inklette
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Fantastic.  Answered all my questions.
By  gracie3598  on  Feb 28 2021 19:55 PM